Jumat, 11 Maret 2016

Rencana Novel Kedepan

Kemarin laptop sempat eror dan membuat beberapa data yang sudah dibuat hilang deh. Tinggal point-pointnya yang masih bisa diselamatkan, mudahan bisa kembali lagi ditulis ulang. Sedih sudah pasti, tetapi maju terus tak kan mundur sudah mendarah daging. 

1.      Description about yourself
2.      Description about your lover
3.      The reason you fall in love with her/him
4.      Romantic place you want  to date with her/him
5.      What you think about hobby your couple
6.      What you imagine when you meet her/him
7.      How if that woman/man is different then your imagine
8.      Make a poetry
9.      Make a letter about you love her/him
10.  What do you like from your lover?
11.  What is your favorite food and what do you want to share it and how if your lover don’t like it
12.  When you want to sleep what do you think?
13.  What do u feel about LDR
14.  Tell your lover about such a romantic thing
15.  What is your first night dream when you meet lover
16.  How to make u strong in LDR
17.  If you feel sad and wont your lover know what do you do in LDR
18.  Romantic poetry again
19.  The sweet promise to your lover
20.  The wedding dream


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